- Document Link: ABB – Board Powers and Duties
- Title: Board Powers and Duties
- Section: A. School District Organization
- Adoption Date: 07/16/2020
- Ref Code: Ga. Constitution Art. 8, Sec. 5, Par. 5, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0049, 20-02-0211.1, 20-02-0104, 20-02-1160, 20-02-0151, 20-02-0167, 20-02-0182, 20-02-0211, 20-02-0390
O.C.G.A. 20-02-0430, 20-02-0050, 20-02-0503, 20-02-0520, 20-02-0521, 20-02-0057, 20-02-0059, 20-02-0060, 20-02-0730, 20-02-0750, 20-02-0940, 36-09-0002, 50-14-0001, Ga. Constitution Art. 8, Sec. 6, Par. 1
Descriptor Code: ABB
Board Powers and Duties
Board Policy and Duties of the Board of Education
The School District is a subdivision of the State of Georgia. The administration of the School District is vested in the Cherokee County Board of Education. As such, the Board’s duties, responsibilities and authority are derived from relevant local, state and federal law. The duties, responsibilities and authority of the School Board include, but are not limited to:
(1) To interpret the educational needs of the school community and develop policies in accordance with those needs after taking into consideration local, state and federal law.
(2) To appoint and evaluate in accordance with State law a Superintendent of Schools.
(3) Together with the Superintendent of Schools, to make rules to govern the School District.
(4) To evaluate and act upon the Superintendent’s recommendation regarding the hiring, retention
or termination of School District personnel.
(5) To formulate, establish and adopt the annual budget for the School District with the assistance of the Superintendent and staff.
(6) Upon due consideration of the needs of its students as well as the desires of its stakeholders, the School Board will impose a school tax upon real and personal property located in Cherokee County.
(7) Upon consideration of the capital needs of the School District, the School Board may call a referendum to issue debt to be secured by the full faith and credit of the School District and to impose a sales tax known as a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).
(8) To evaluate and pass upon the recommendation of the Superintendent for necessary capital outlay projects and to determine the means of financing such outlay, including but not limited to the issuance of general obligation (G.O.) bonds, tax anticipation
notes (TANs), certificates of participation and lease-purchase agreements. (9) To adopt regulations and policies concerning the use of school facilities by the public.
(10) To accept bequests, donations, grants, and transfers of land, buildings, and other property for the use of the School District.
(11) To buy, condemn, sell and/or lease real or personal property for educational uses subject to the limitation imposed by law.
(12) To contract with educational and non-educational entities for the care, education and transportation of the School District’s
(13) To keep the citizens intelligently informed of the purpose, value, condition and needs of public education within the community. To that end the School Board will hold at least one regular meeting in each calendar month and will establish a calendar of such meetings. The meeting calendar will be distributed to the public through the media.
(14) To support within the confines of School Board Policy the Superintendent in his/her duties.
(15) To review and decide petitions for charter schools.
(16) To appoint one of its members to serve as vice-chair of the School Board for a term of one calendar year.
(17) To conduct the business of the School Board by its majority vote unless a super majority is required by law.
(18) To act as a tribunal for hearing and determining any matter of local controversy in
reference to the construction and administration of school law.
(19) To act as a tribunal to hear, decide matters and impose consequences if appropriate, regarding alleged School Board
Member conduct alleged to be in violation of Board Policy BH.
(20) To act as an appellant body regarding school discipline matters.
(21) To possess such authority, responsibility and duty as may from time to time be imposed or bestowed on the School Board by law.
REVISED: July 25, 2012 REVISED: July 16, 2020