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BCBD – Board Meetings

  • Document Link: BCBD – Board Meetings
  • Title: Board Meeting Agendas
  • Section: B. School Board Operations
  • Adoption Date:  07/18/2024
  • Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 50-14-0001; O.C.G.A. 50-14-0002, O.C.G.A. 50-14-0003, O.C.G.A. 50-14-0005, O.C.G.A. 50-14-0004, O.C.G.A. 50-14-0001, O.C.G.A. 01-03-0001, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0057, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0757, O.C.G.A. 50-18-0070, 20 USC 1232g;

Descriptor Code: BCBD

Board Meetings

Pursuant to statutory requirements, the Cherokee County Board of Education will conduct a monthly business meeting with the following order of business observed:

Work Session

• Call to Order

• Superintendent Welcome

• Board Member Items

1. Items as submitted

• Superintendent Reports

1. Academics and Accountability

2. Finance

3. Capital Outlay

4. Items as pertinent

• Agenda Action Items (for discussion only) Consent agenda items for action at the School Board Meeting will be determined during the Work Session. A Human Resources item will be recommended at each meeting.

1. Items as pertinent

Executive Session (if necessary)

School Board Meeting

• Call to Order

• Pledge of Allegiance

• Inspiration

• Adoption of Agenda

• School Board Comments/Remarks/Announcements (non-actionable)

• Recognitions (as submitted)

• Public Participation

• Approval of Minutes

• Approval of Consent Agenda (as determined at Work Session)

• Agenda Action Items (as presented at Work Session, including Human Resources item)

• Executive Session (if necessary)

• Adjournment

The Superintendent will prepare a proposed agenda for all meetings of the School Board.

1. A School Board member may submit in writing to the Superintendent and Board Chair a request for inclusion of an agenda item.

2. The item will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next Work Session, provided that it is submitted to the Superintendent and Board Chair on or before noon, eight days prior to the School Board meeting.

3. Requests for information and updates on District and school operations matters will follow the process outlined in norms and protocols and will be received and considered by the Superintendent when recommending a timely agenda.

The agenda, together with supporting materials, will be distributed to and reviewed with School Board members and publicly posted sufficiently prior to the School Board meeting to permit them to give items of business careful consideration. When an agenda item requests a specific expenditure of School District funds, that cost will be noted; otherwise, including circumstances in which associated costs are not borne by the School District, financial impact will be noted as N/A; in any event, all School District expenditures will continue to be governed by the Annual Operating Budget Policy.

Special School Board Meetings

Special School Board meetings may be called by the Board Chair and Superintendent of Schools upon 24 hours’ notice to the School Board membership or upon written request of two-thirds of the School Board members.

Requests by patrons for special meetings to reconsider a decision previously made by the School Board will be submitted in writing stating the complete case in opposition to the decision. The Superintendent and Board Chair will review the statement for the purpose of deciding for or against calling a special meeting.

For special called meetings, a notice will be posted at the regular place of meeting giving 24 hours’ notice of the meeting and the media will be notified.

In an emergency, the School Board may meet without a 24-hour notice and will record the reasons for the emergency and the nature of the notice in the minutes. Notice of the said meeting will be provided to the media as soon as practicable.

Rules of Order

The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be the official guide to the conduct of School Board meetings.

Voting Method

Voting at all meetings of the School Board will be by voice vote, roll call vote, show of hands, or in the case of Vice-Chair election, by ballot unless otherwise established by majority vote of the School Board and duly recorded in the minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes

The Superintendent of Schools will serve as Secretary of the Board. The School Board Secretary or his designee will keep complete records of meetings of the School Board. The minutes will include a record of all actions taken by the School Board and resolutions and motions in full, and the names of members making and seconding them. Reports and documents relating to a formal motion may be omitted if they are referred to and identified by title and date.

Once approved by the School Board, the minutes will become permanent records of the School Board and will be in the custody of the Superintendent.

ADOPTED: August 2, 2001

REVISED: July 18, 2024