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BDC – Board Policies

  • Document Link: BDC -- Board Policies 
  • Title: Policy Adoption
  • Section: B. School Board Operations
  • Adoption Date: 07/16/2020
  • Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 20-02-0059

Descriptor Code: BDC
Board Policies

Policy Adoption
Except for policy actions to be taken on emergency measures, the adoption of School Board policies will follow this sequence which will take place at two consecutive regular or special meetings of the School Board:

1. Announcement and distribution of proposed new or revised policies as an item of information on first reading.

2. Initial and final action by the School Board on policy proposals on final reading.

Prior to enactment, all policy proposals will be titled and coded as appropriate to subject and in conformance with the codification system used in the School Board policy manual.

Insofar as possible, each policy statement will be limited to one subject.

Policies and amendments adopted by the School Board will be attached to and made part of the official minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted and will be included in the policy manual of the School District.

Policies and amendments to policies will be effective immediately upon adoption unless a specific effective date is provided in the adopted agenda item.

Emergency Procedure
On matters of unusual urgency, the School Board may waive the two-reading limitation and take immediate action to adopt new or revised existing policies.

Suspension of Policy
A School Board Policy may be suspended, amended or rescinded at any School Board meeting by a majority vote of the membership. Additionally, any School Board Policy, or applicable portions contained therein, which is aligned with provisions contained within State Board of Education Rules, will be considered waived at the same time that a waiver of the identified State Board Rule is implemented.

Administration in Policy Absence
In cases when action must be taken within the School District for which the School Board has provided no Policy for administrative action, the Superintendent of Schools will have the power to act.

Such decisions, however, will be subject to review by action of the School Board at a regular or special called meeting. It will be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the School Board promptly of such action and of the need for Policy. 

ADOPTED: August 2, 2001      REVISED: July 16, 2020