- Document Link: CGI – Administrative Personnel Evaluation
- Title: Administrative Personnel Evaluation
- Section: C. General School Administration
- Adoption Date: 07/16/2020
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 20-02-0210
CGI – Administrative Personnel Evaluation
Descriptor Code: CGI
Administrative Personnel Evaluation
The Superintendent of Schools will implement and supervise an annual evaluation system for all administrative personnel. The Superintendent will report to the School Board on the performance of all administrators by making annual recommendations for re-appointment.
Formal evaluations will be conducted at least once a year or more frequently if necessary or required. They will be conducted according to the following guidelines:
1. Evaluative criteria for each position will be made permanently available to the administrator;
2. Evaluations will be completed by the supervisor to whom the administrator is assigned;
3. Results of evaluations will be discussed with the administrator by the assigned supervisor;
4. The administrator being evaluated will not have the right to grieve their evaluation. The administrator will have the right to attach a statement of explanation to the evaluation that will become a part of the evaluation; and
5. All results of the evaluations will be kept in personnel files maintained by the Office of Human Resources.
ADOPTED: August 2, 2001 REVISED: July 16, 2020