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2023 Media Specialist of the Year

Boston ES Educator Named CCSD 2023 Media Specialist of the Year

Media Specialist of the Year

Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin reacts to the news from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower that she is the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year.

Boston Elementary School media specialist Jennifer Martin is known for the supportive connections she makes with students.

She was busy doing just that with a group of third graders eager to learn about mythology when she was surprised today with a special presentation.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower and members of his staff visited the media center to surprise Ms. Martin with the news she is the Cherokee County School District’s Library Media Specialist of the Year!  She now advances to represent CCSD in the regional competition, from which she could move on to the state contest. 

“I’ve known Ms. Martin for a long, long time.  She might have taught one of the Hightower children when she was younger than you all -- she was six,” he said to the group of third-graders as part of the presentation.  “I learned at that point that Ms. Martin was innovative, creative and also thoughtful and connected with her students, and I think that comes out in this setting, too.” 

As part of the presentation, Ms. Martin was awarded a $500 Visa gift card, plaque and banner, with the costs sponsored by Credit Union of Georgia, a CCSD Partner.  Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey joined in the presentation as well.  Ms. Martin will be congratulated by the Cherokee County School Board at its March meeting.

All CCSD school media specialists were eligible for the award, and Ms. Martin was selected as the winner from a pool of outstanding nominees by a judging committee of retired educators and community leaders.

Making positive connections with her students and her colleagues is important to Ms. Martin on more than one level.  Not only does it bring joy to her life, she also sees how those relationships benefit teaching and learning.  From the improvement in student literacy and research and technology skills to greater awareness among teachers of all the resources the media center and Ms. Martin offer to their students.

“When students walk through the media center doors, I want them to know that I care about them and want them to be there.  Of course, I want to inspire them to read and use their imaginations so they can discover how much fun reading and learning can be, but I also want them to know they matter to me, and I am always available for them,” she said.  “One of my favorite moments of each day is connecting a student with just the right book or finding just the right resource for a teacher.  That makes my media heart happy!”

Over her storied 27-year career, Ms. Martin has earned numerous honors including Teacher of the Year and Zone Media Specialist of the Year.  Her experience as a classroom teacher, which spanned all elementary grades during her tenure as well as special roles such as teaching technology to all grades, and her knowledge of state standards, give her an edge in supporting her colleagues and students.  

Ms. Martin earned her bachelor of science in education degree from Georgia Southern University, and her master’s and specialist degrees in school library media from the University of West Georgia.  She continues to expand her knowledge and has earned numerous certifications from Microsoft, Epic and Nearpod, as well as Common Sense digital citizenship certification for herself and the media center.

She also takes on many varied roles to further her engagement from serving on school and district level professional committees to coaching the student reading bowl team, producing the student newscast and coordinating the spelling bee.

“She knows every student by name and is well aware of their book of choice, as well as who plays what sport after school.  She knows their academic needs and their social and emotional ones.  She is their biggest cheerleader here at school and out in the community,” Principal Valerie Lowery said of Ms. Martin’s support of students.  “She is the first to dress up for Bear Den Days and owns the best blue tutu to show her Kodiak spirit.  She encourages students to always be their best.”

Media Specialist of the Year

Celebrating Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin, center, as the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year are, from left, CCSD Supervisor for Digital Learning Joy Silk, Assistant Principal Lori Etheridge, CCSD Chief Academic Officer Dr. Nicole Holmes; Ms. Martin’s sister, Michelle Williams, technology field services manager for CCSD; father, Ed Stumler; and husband, Tony Martin; Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey; Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower and Principal Valerie Lowery.

Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin reacts to the news from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower that she is the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year.

Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin reacts to the news from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower that she is the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year.

Celebrating Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin, center, as the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year are, from left, CCSD Supervisor for Digital Learning Joy Silk, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Nicole Holmes, Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower.

Celebrating Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin, center, as the Cherokee County School District Library Media Specialist of the Year are, from left, CCSD Supervisor for Digital Learning Joy Silk, Chief Academic Officer Dr. Nicole Holmes, Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian Hightower, center, introduces Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey to present gifts to CCSD Library Media Specialist of the Year Jennifer Martin of Boston ES, right.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian Hightower, center, introduces Credit Union of Georgia Cherokee Area Manager Jason Blakey to present gifts to CCSD Library Media Specialist of the Year Jennifer Martin of Boston ES, right.

CCSD Chief Academic Officer Dr. Nicole Holmes presents Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin with a banner proclaiming her as the CCSD Library Media Specialist of the Year.

CCSD Chief Academic Officer Dr. Nicole Holmes presents Boston ES media specialist Jennifer Martin with a banner proclaiming her as the CCSD Library Media Specialist of the Year.