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Student Advisor, Student Delegates

CCSD Student Delegates to the School Board Begin Year of Service

CCSD Student Delegates to the School Board Begin Year of Service

From left, front: Lavanya Shankar, Samantha “Sam” Stahler, Sophia Foisy; back: Andrew Hammond, Alex Johnson, Will Rusbridge, Zahira Ambriz-Villela.

The Cherokee County Student Delegates to the School Board this week began their year of service!

These outstanding high school seniors serve for one year to give input and feedback to the School Board and to the Superintendent of Schools and her senior staff.

The Delegates attend all School Board meetings as student representatives, and their first School Board meeting in this role was Thursday evening.

Prior to the School Board meeting, they met with Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis to learn about more about how their role can help CCSD elevate the excellence.

The School Board has included a Student Advisor position on its board since 1999, and, for the past 14 years, a Student Delegate from each high school also has been selected. New this school year is the inclusion of a delegate from i-Grad Virtual Academy, CCSD’s online high school.

The advisor role is rotated among the district's high schools, and this year’s Student Advisor is Samantha “Sam” Stahler of Etowah High School. The Student Delegates are: Will Rusbridge of Cherokee High School; Andrew Hammond of Creekview High School; Alex Johnson of i-Grad Virtual Academy; Lavanya Shankar of River Ridge High School; Zahira Ambriz-Villela of Sequoyah High School; and Sophia Foisy of Woodstock High School.

CCSD Student Delegates to the School Board Begin Year of Service
CCSD Student Delegates to the School Board Begin Year of Service
CCSD Student Delegates to the School Board Begin Year of Service


CCSD Names 2024-25 Student Advisor and Delegates to the School Board

CCSD 2024-25 Student Advisor and Delegates

The Cherokee County School Board this week will recognizes its new class of Student Delegates!

The School Board has included a Student Advisor position on its board since 1999, and, for the past 14 years, a Student Delegate from each high school also has been selected.  These outstanding high school seniors serve for one year to give input and feedback to the School Board and to the Superintendent of Schools and her senior staff.  New this school year is the inclusion of a delegate from i-Grad Virtual Academy, CCSD’s online high school.  

The advisor role is rotated among the district's high schools, and this year’s Student Advisor is Samantha “Sam” Stahler of Etowah High School.  The Student Delegates are: Will Rusbridge of Cherokee High School; Andrew Hammond of Creekview High School; Alex Johnson of i-Grad Virtual Academy; Lavanya Shankar of River Ridge High School; Zahira Ambriz-Villela of Sequoyah High School; and Sophia Foisy of Woodstock High School.

Read their brief bios below to learn more about them: 

Samantha “Sam” Stahler of Etowah High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Student Government Association, Yearbook - co-editor, Key Club, Beta Club, National Honor Society, Eagles Connection, National Spanish Honor Society 
Awards/Recognitions: Academic Letter, State Team - Swim and Dive 
Community Service: Woodstock City Church, Forever Fed Mobile Pantry, Etowah Shop with an Eagle

Will Rusbridge of Cherokee High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Marching Band, National Honor Society - Officer, HOSA Future Health Professionals - Vice President, AP Ambassadors - Leadership Team, Student Government - Class Secretary, First Priority, Academic Bowl Team, Beta Club
Awards/Recognitions: UGA Certificate of Merit, AP Scholar with Distinction
Community Service: Canton First Baptist - Worship band member (drums) and frequent volunteer

Andrew Hammond of Creekview High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Football Team - Captain; Student Government – Senior Class President; Rho Kappa (social studies national honor society); Future Business Leaders of America - treasurer 
Awards/Recognitions: Football - County Honorable Mention; Highest GPA Award - Football; Scholar Athlete; Academic Letter
Community Service: Through school clubs

Alex Johnson of i-Grad Virtual Academy
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Mu Alpha Theta (math national honor society) - president, Environmental Club - manager, Friend’s Club - chapter founder and current president, Beta Club
Awards/Recognitions: National Optimist Society Student of the Year, UGA Certificate of Merit, Georgia Ready Summer Institute graduate 
Community Service: Through school clubs and two-time Special Olympics volunteer, Earth Day volunteer

Lavanya Shankar of River Ridge High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Diversity Awareness - VP; Science Olympiad - co-captain; National Honor Society, Rho Kappa, Beta Club, Reading Bowl 
Awards/Recognitions: UGA Certificate of Merit, AP Scholar with Distinction, Optimist Essay Contest - third place, Key Scholar, PTA Reflections Winner. Metro ARC Youth Leadership Class, Teen Leadership Cherokee, Mayor's Youth Leadership Academy
Community Service: Sequoyah Regional Library System Teen Advisory Board – Vice Chair; volunteer with a day program that assists individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Zahira Ambriz-Villela of Sequoyah High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: Speech and Debate - Captain, Diversity Awareness - Director, Women in STEM - VP, National Spanish Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Chick-fil-a Leadership Academy, National Honor Society, Beta Club, Student Government Association
Awards/Recognitions: UGA Certificate of Merit, AP Scholar with Distinction, Key Scholar, Governor’s Honors Program Finalist, Yale Young Global Scholars Finalist, HSF Youth Leadership Institute Finalist
Community Service: THRIVE Mentorship and through school clubs

Sophia Foisy of Woodstock High School
Athletics/Activities/Clubs: National Spanish Honor Society- president, Swim Team, Debate Team – co-founder and VP, Literary Team, WHS Orchestra - social media manager, Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra, Beta Club, National Honor Society 
Awards/Recognitions: Key Scholar, GHSA Literary State runner-up, 2023 District Honor Orchestra concert master
Community Service: Teen voter registration volunteer

The Delegates attend all School Board meetings as student representatives, and throughout the year, they advise the Superintendent's senior staff on important issues, ranging from the code of conduct and student support services to technology resources and new entrée planning by School Nutrition.  

Each school determines its own Delegate selection process; students interested in the opportunity are encouraged to speak with their Principal.

The innovative engagement program earned the School Board the Georgia School Boards Association’s Leading Edge Award.




2023-24 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2022-23 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2021-22 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2020-21 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2019-20 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2018-19 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2017-18 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2016-17 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2015-16 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2014-15 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2013-14 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates

2012-13 School Board Student Advisor & Delegates