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Class of 2015 Valedictorians and Salutatorians

CCSD Honors Class of 2015 Valedictorians and Salutatorians

2015 Scholar Banquet

Front row, from left: Jacob Cochran, Calli Ruschmeyer, Hsin Yi Chen, Kathryn Huller and Austin Floyd. Second Row, from left: Ansley Petherick, Rachel Haas, Samantha Kaczaral and Parth Patel. Back row, from left: Joseph Litrel, Brandon Perez and Jacob Beckham.

The Cherokee County School District recognized its 2015 Valedictorians and Salutatorians at the 15th Annual Scholar Recognition Banquet Wednesday night at Woodmont Golf and Country Club. School Superintendent Dr. Frank R. Petruzielo and School Board Members congratulated the top graduates from each high school, who shared their plans for college and future career fields. Graduation ceremonies for the county’s six high schools begin today and continue through Saturday, with nearly 2,500 students receiving high school diplomas.

Each valedictorian and salutatorian selected a teacher who was especially influential on his or her high school career to honor at the banquet. Sponsors provided each student with an iPad and gift cards, and teachers also received gift cards. Commemorative plaques were also presented to each of the students and teachers.

Corporate sponsors for the event included Platinum sponsors KRH Architects; Manley, Spangler & Smith; Northside Hospital-Cherokee; Poole’s Insulation Company; Woodmont Golf and Country Club. Gold sponsors were Brown & Brown Insurance of GA; Cardno; NOVA Engineering & Environmental; Seasonal Designs; Traditions Turf Management, Inc. Silver sponsors were Coweta Fayette EMC True Natural Gas; EF Education First; EyeMed; Morse Communications; and The Travel Store, Inc.

Cherokee High School
Valedictorian: Austin Floyd
Teacher: Heather Smith
Salutatorian: Kathryn Huller
Teacher: Justin Jones

Creekview High School
Valedictorian: Jacob Cochran
Teacher: James Rasmussen
Salutatorian: Calli Ruschmeyer
Teacher: Cynthia Humphlett

Etowah High School
Valedictorian: Joseph Litrel
Teacher: Brian Heglund
Salutatorian: Samantha Kaczaral
Teacher: Billie Morgan

River Ridge High School
Valedictorian: Hsin Yi Chen
Teacher: Henley Sawicki
Salutatorian: Brandon Perez
Teacher: Jon McDuffie

Sequoyah High School
Valedictorian: Ansley Petherick
Teacher: Dr. Wendy Roberts
Salutatorian: Rachel Haas
Teacher: Paul Peacock

Woodstock High School
Valedictorian: Parth Patel
Teacher: Karen Zayance
Salutatorian: Jacob Beckham
Teacher: Ryan McKendrick