District Guidelines for Posting Information to CCSD Virtual Community Bulletin Board
In accordance with School Board Policy KIB, the Cherokee County School District (CCSD) does not allow students and staff to be subjected to and/or utilized as marketing and advertising conduits. However, the CCSD realizes that there are community activities and events that may be of interest to parents seeking resources for their children. In lieu of hard-copy flyer distributions to publicize these events, the CCSD offers a Virtual Community Bulletin Board on its website for posting such notices so that they are accessible to staff, parents and students, as wanted/needed.
The following guidelines are used by the Office of Communications to determine what is appropriate to be posted on the Virtual Community Bulletin Board:
For-profit private businesses: these materials are generally not permitted. Exceptions can be made for school partners who have an ongoing relationship with the school, or system-level partners who have a Board-approved partnership agreement (these are listed on the website). Board policy requires these materials to have a minimal amount of advertising content.
Community non-profit organizations: These materials are permitted, if the content is relative to children and/or education. Non-profit status must be verified by the Office of Communications before approval is granted. Churches are included in this category (as long as content is not of a proselytizing nature) for events or activities directly beneficial to families, such as children’s clothing sales, youth sports, etc.
Government agencies: The School Board has partnership agreements with many government agencies; and we encourage support and interaction with these, which typically include county/city parks and recreation department activities, city-sponsored events, etc.
Political campaign materials: Information endorsing or promoting a particular candidate or ballot issue is not permitted.
Calendar break camps/childcare: As a result of the nature of the CCSD’s school calendar, exceptions may be given for private, for-profit entities to post information about activities and camps for children held during the various school breaks — September, Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays, February, Spring Break and summer, so that parents have ample opportunities to find needed childcare or enrichment activities. Flyers must be for activities specific to those times when school is not in session.
Those organizations which do qualify to have materials posted are expected to limit their request to once per school quarter (9 week intervals). More frequent requests are subject to denial. All agencies and events must be located within Cherokee County to be eligible for consideration.
Guidelines for Posting Entity
- Flyer for activity or event must be submitted electronically with clear start/end dates included in correspondence. Send via e-mail as pdf, word, or publisher type file to: carrie.mcgowan@cherokeek12.net.
- To ensure timely posting, flyer should be submitted for approval 10 days in advance of event or activity.
- Flyers will be posted weekly and may remain posted for a maximum of 30 days.
- All activities or information must be appropriate for students. Activities should relate to a school function, community event or purpose, or relate to an agency that offers widely appealing recreational program options for students.
- Flyer must include the statement “This is not a Cherokee County School District sponsored event/activity.”
- Legal name of the sponsoring organization must be clearly apparent. Flyer must include contact information, including a contact name, phone number(s), and/or e-mail address.
Barbara Jacoby, Chief Communications Officer, or Carrie McGowan, Director, in the Office of Communications will authorize all flyers submitted for posting.