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ACT scores infographic

October 11, 2023

UPDATE 10/23/23: More congratulations to the Class of 2023 and our outstanding teachers, staff and leaders! According to additional data released by the state, CCSD ranks No. 2 for ACT scores among metro Atlanta counties and No. 2 in the state among districts with more than 200 students tested.

The Cherokee County School District Class of 2023 ACT scores increased and continued to exceed national and state averages!

The class scored an exemplary 22.9 average, up from 22.2 last school year, surpassing Georgia’s 21.3 (down from 21.6) and the Nation’s 19.5 (down from 19.8) averages on the competitive college entrance and placement examination.  

Students earn a score on a scale of 1 to 36.  The average CCSD scores by subject on the ACT used to calculate the overall composite average are: English, 22.3 (up from 21.4); Math, 22 (up from 21.6); Reading, 23.9 (up from 23.1); Science, 22.9 (up from 22.2).  

The ACT is taken in lieu of or along with the SAT, and the Class of 2023’s ACT scores mirror its strong SAT results released earlier this fall.  The ACT scores reflect 1,078 CCSD students taking the exam, down from 1,173 the previous school year … a decline likely due to universities waiving entrance exam requirements.

Scores from CCSD’s high schools surpassed state and national averages: Cherokee HS, 22.7 (up from 21.1); Creekview HS, 23.1 (up from 22.3); Etowah HS, 22.5 (down from 22.9); River Ridge HS, 22 (down from 22.6); Sequoyah HS, 23.9 -- the highest overall score in CCSD (up from 22.6); and Woodstock HS, 23.1 (up from 21.8).  A school score was not provided by ACT for i-Grad Virtual Academy.



SAT graphic with scores and data

September 25, 2023

Cherokee County School District’s SAT scores increased and continue to top statewide and national results, according to results released by the College Board.

The CCSD Class of 2023 earned an average total score of 1094 on the curriculum-based college entrance and placement exam, up three points overall from the previous school year.  CCSD outscored the national public school average by 91 points and the state by 49 points; while CCSD scores increased, both national and state averages dipped, by 25 and seven points.  The scores rank CCSD in the top 6% of school districts statewide, even with more participation: 56% of CCSD’s Class of 2023 took the test versus 50% statewide.

The SAT, the most commonly recognized measure of achievement for high school students, measures critical reading and mathematics abilities.  It includes two 800-point sections: Evidence Based Reading & Writing (ERW) and Mathematics, with a possible total score of 1600; a third section, a writing exam, is optional. 

The CCSD Class of 2023 average ERW score is 559 -- 25 points higher than Georgia and 49 over U.S., and the Math is 535 -- 24 over Georgia and 42 over the U.S.  The top 3% of CCSD’s scores surpassed a 1400 average.  

CCSD’s six traditional high schools also each topped national and state averages on the SAT and scored within a 32-point span.  Their scores are: Cherokee HS, 1092, up from 1065; Creekview HS, 1102, up from 1099; Etowah HS, 1080, down from 1081; River Ridge HS, 1081, down from 1102; Sequoyah HS, 1112 – the highest in CCSD, and up from 1101; and Woodstock HS, 1098, up from 1093.  CCSD’s online high school, i-Grad Virtual Academy, was not included in the College Board’s report due to its size.

While the majority of students take the SAT, some choose to take the ACT, a different college entrance exam, and some students take both.