Student Performance Goals
For the first student performance goals, the School Board together set three-year goals in reading on grade-level and English Language Arts (ELA) proficiency in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and American Literature, as measured by Georgia Milestones Assessment scores. To aid them in setting these goals, School Board members reviewed three years’ of testing data for CCSD students, state averages and data from comparable school districts statewide.
The School Board set goals of students improving by 6 percentage points over three years for all grade levels tested, with the exception of seventh grade, for which the goals were set as 4 percentage points for reading and 9 percentage points for ELA.
To implement these goals, CCSD’s Accountability department will be working with School Leadership & Operations assistant superintendents to support school principals in analyzing their school’s student performance data and setting aligned School Improvement Plan goals. The Accountability department will be regularly sharing student performance reports with the community on its website online here.
As these school-level improvement goals are developed, school principals will engage their faculty in best practices for elevating classroom instruction and use of data to increase student performance.
After the state releases Georgia Milestones Assessment student performance statewide data on the math portions of the annual test, with an anticipated release later this month, the School Board later this fall will conduct the same goal-setting work for the same grade levels for math.