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Digital Learning Days


Two Modes for Digital Learning

Digital Learning Day(s): Intermittent Remote Learning/Inclement Weather Days

Cherokee County School District plans to use Digital Learning Days (DLDs) to continue instruction due to intermittent school closures for various circumstances, such as inclement weather or Election Day, by utilizing Canvas, the District's online learning management system. 


 How does it work for students?

  • On days when the District transitions to Digital Learning, teachers will post assignments on their Canvas course pages. All assignments for the Digital Learning Day will be posted by 9:00 a.m.
  • Students will use the Canvas student portal to log in to their Canvas pages. This is where students will access assignments, resources and other materials. As a reminder, students log into Canvas from the orange icon in the “Students” section of CCSD webpages.  Students use their school email address ( and password to access Canvas. If your student is having trouble logging in at home, please contact your child's teacher so he or she can submit a help desk ticket for password reset. Please be sure to provide your student's CCSD email or student ID number when requesting a password reset.
  • If the student is unable to access the assignments, he or she will be able to complete the work upon return to school. If a student does not have access to a computer or device (tablet, smartphone, etc.), the student can get the assignment once in-person learning resumes. Students unable to complete the assignments on DLDs will not be penalized and will be given the same allotted time to complete the assignments as would be given for an excused absence.
  • Student work will be expected to be turned in to the teacher (either digitally or in person), using the school's process for turning in work following an absence. For example, if your school allows students to turn in work two days after a missed day the Digital Learning Day assignments would be due two days after classes resume in person. 

Teachers will share additional information with students about Digital Learning Days through Canvas announcements, including how they will support students learning during the day. Teachers will also be available online during designated “office hours” to assist students, if necessary, via email:

  • 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. - Elementary Teacher Virtual Hours
  • 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – Middle and High School Teacher Virtual Hours

Parents who need a to set up a Canvas parent account can do so by accessing instructions at Canvas for Parents and Students.


Digital Learning Day(s): Short-term Remote Learning 

Cherokee County School District plans to use Digital Learning Days (DLDs) to continue instruction due to short-term school closures for various  circumstances, such as a public health emergency, utilizing Canvas, the District's online learning management system. When short-term remote learning is announced by the Superintendent’s Office, additional information from your child's local school will be sent directly to him or her explaining the expectations for the DLDs.