Language Arts
Natasha Diaz
Coordinator of Curriculum Support, Literacy
Standards-based literacy instruction is provided in all Cherokee County Schools for students in kindergarten through grade twelve through a designated literacy block. Students will learn to think critically and communicate orally and through writing while incorporating reading strategies that will enable them to continue to grow as a learner. Students will gain knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and literary resources as well as engage in regular practice with complex text and its academic language.
Resources for all English Language Arts courses:
Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE)
CCSD Curriculum Maps by Grade Level
Lexile, the Framework for Reading
Reading Resources from the Georgia Department of Education
Elementary, grades K-5
Students in kindergarten through fifth grade will experience rigorous and relevant standards-based curriculum designed specifically for the elementary student. The Cherokee County Board of Education has adopted resources that support a balanced literacy approach and includes a phonics program for grades K-2, a multi-leveled Book Room for each school to incorporate guided reading, a Classroom Library for each teacher of reading and Reading Assessments to help each child is read at his or her appropriate level.
Balanced Literacy PowerPoint for Parents
What is Balanced Literacy? Video
Middle School, grades 6-8
Students in grades six through eight begin to experience literacy with an increasing level of maturity and sophistication. Through challenging literature analyses, nonfiction books, articles, primary and secondary sources, they comprehend and analyze text; stake claims through evidence found within the text and consolidate and internalize skills instilled through the full progression of the GSE. Student writing will reflect the ability to argue effectively, understand author bias and tailor prose for maximum influence.
Students will engage in a newly created, standards-based rigorous curriculum through real-world scenarios and performance tasks.
High School, grades 9 – 12
High School English Language Arts courses are organized into bands of grades 9 – 10 and 11 – 12 which allow schools and districts flexibility in designing courses. The Standards reveal what students should be able to do by the end of each grade band and ultimately by the end of their high school careers. Students will graduate with the ability to communicate in multiple modes of discourse demonstrating a strong command of the rules of Standard English.
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