Proportionate Share Announcement for 2022-23
- Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Cherokee County School District (CCSD) is required to use a proportionate share of federal funds for the education of eligible students who are home schooled or attend private schools within Cherokee County. After consulting with private/home school officials and parents in October 2021 and soliciting feedback from stakeholders via an online survey, CCSD has elected to use the funds to provide the following limited services on a case-by-case basis during the 2022-23 school year:
- Parent University – trainings for parents and private school teachers/administrators regarding select topics related to students with disabilities. Please check the CCSD Special Education website periodically for updates on the scheduling of these trainings.
- Reading Interventions - subscriptions to online self-paced reading interventions to support reading growth and development in these areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, grammar for meaning, fluency, and strategies for reading and understanding text.
- Speech-Language Interventions - virtual services to students with a speech-language impaired eligibility.
- Occupational Therapy Services - virtual services to students with identified fine motor deficits.
- Social skills Interventions – access to an online social skills program to support social language development.
Direct services will be considered for students based on documented needs. Please note that the funds set aside for these services are limited and the services may be discontinued mid-year if/when the funds have been expended.
If you are interested in learning about the services your child could receive, or if you would like more information about Parent University, please complete this survey and you will be contacted as soon as information is available.
- Governor Brian P. Kemp has issued a press release regarding Applications for Families of Children with Special Needs Reimbursement. You may access the link of the application, which is located in the body of the press release, by Clicking Here. For additional information, you may watch a brief training video: Click Here.
Services for Eligible Private/Home School Students:
Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Cherokee County School District (CCSD) is required to use a proportionate share of federal funds for the education of eligible students who are home schooled or attend private schools within Cherokee County. After consulting with private/home school officials and parents in November 2020, CCSD elected to use the funds to provide training.
CCSD received additional federal funds for this school year via the American Rescue Plan (ARP) that will allow CCSD to provide additional services that were requested at the November 2020 consultation meeting. Based on the feedback received, the CCSD will provide the following limited services on a case-by-case basis during the 2021-22 school year:
- Parent University – trainings for parents and private school teachers/administrators regarding select topics related to students with disabilities. Please check this website periodically for updates on the scheduling of these trainings.
- Reading Interventions - subscriptions to online self-paced reading interventions to support reading growth and development in these areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, grammar for meaning, fluency, and strategies for reading and understanding text.
- Speech-Language Interventions - virtual services to students with a speech-language impaired eligibility.
- Occupational Therapy Services - virtual services to students with identified fine motor deficits.
Direct services will be considered for students based on documented needs. Please note that the funds set aside for these services are limited and the services may be discontinued mid-year if/when the funds have been expended.
Also, please note that the annual consultation meeting will be held on October 21st to address participation for the 2022-2023 School Year. This webpage will be updated with information about registering for the virtual consultation meeting.
If you are interested in learning about the services your child could receive, or if you would like more information about Parent University, please complete this survey and you will be contacted as soon as information is available.
Initial Consultation Meeting Information
Consultation for services occurs in the school year prior to the start of services. Federal laws and regulations also outline topics that LEAs are required to review and explain in consultation. You are invited to meet with LEA officials to discuss equitable services under ESEA and IDEA for the next school year. The equitable services initial consultation meeting will occur virtually on Tuesday, October 21st. The meeting time is at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be delivered through Microsoft Teams. Please use the following link to access the meeting.Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 470-582-0200,,228227643# United States, Atlanta
Phone Conference ID: 228 227 643#
Positive Behavior Support (Parent Training)
- Parent to Parent of Georgia in partnership with Center for Leadership in Disability is hosting a series of virtual training sessions for parents/caregivers on Positive Behavior Supports. The sessions will include understanding the purpose/function of behavior and practical tips and suggestions on managing and preventing challenging behavior.
- Flyer: Click Here