Proportionate Share Announcement for 2024-25SY
Under programs authorized by the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Cherokee County School District (CCSD) is provided federal funds to be used for the education of eligible students. The purpose of this funding is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and, at a minimum, reach proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards. Federal law requires the CCSD to provide services to eligible private school children which are equitable to the services provided to similar children attending public schools. These services are developed in meaningful consultation with private school officials. During the 2023-2024 School Year, a consultation meeting was held and input was solicited from private school and homeschool stakeholders. Based on the feedback received, the CCSD has chosen to provide the following limited services on a case-by-case basis during the 2024-2025 School Year. Please note that the funds set aside for these services are limited and the services may be discontinued mid-year if/when the funds have been expended.
1. Trainings for parents and private school teachers/administrators regarding select topics related to students with disabilities. Please check this website periodically for updates on the scheduling of these trainings.
2. Virtual speech-language intervention services to students with a speech-language impaired eligibility.
3. Virtual occupational therapy intervention services to students with documented need for services.
A link will be posted here in August to request services through Proportionate Share or to obtain additional information
For further information, please contact Dr. Patti Howard at