Related services are required to assist a student with a disability in benefiting from and accessing educational services. The term “related services” means developmental, corrective, and other supportive services including, but not limited to the following:
- Audiological services
- Psychological services
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Social work services
- Counseling services
- Orientation and mobility services
- Interpreting services
- School nurse or other medical services
- Parent Training
- Transportation
To determine what special education services and/or related services will be provided to the child, the IEP team will look at the child’s present levels of academic and functional performance, assessment results, the measurable annual goals, and, if appropriate, the short term objectives or benchmarks that are included in the IEP. Any services should:
- Be based on the unique needs and abilities of the child, and
- Help the child advance appropriately toward attaining the annual goals.
IDEA refers to related services and supplementary aids and services that are “based on peer-reviewed research to the extent ‘practicable’.” This means research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to education activities and programs, which refers to those services and supports that are proven through research data to improve student learning.
Related services may be documented in the IEP in several areas, including:
- The recommended special education and related services section
- The supplementary aids and services section, and
- The instructional accommodations or modifications section