Summer Learning Opportunities
CCSD Learning Resources
Students can continue using many CCSD learning resources during June. Links to the resources are online here.
Sequoyah Regional Library System Summer Reading Program
The Sequoyah Regional Library System, a CCSD Partner, offers a summer of special activities and incentives to encourage students of all ages to continue reading over the summer. More information about the Summer 2023 program "Summer Discovery" is online here.
Georgia Reading Campaign
Get Georgia Reading partner Renaissance is again delivering thousands of free books—plus engaging daily news articles—to computer and mobile devices. Young readers can search from several different categories and genres, including books for struggling readers and Spanish and bilingual titles. Families in Georgia can register to join Renaissance myON’s digital reading platform beginning on May 3 and already have access to Get Georgia Reading at Home, a comprehensive online catalog that offers early learning resources for children from birth through age 5 and helps develop skills for students in grades K – 3.
Georgia Summer Resource Online Toolkit
Public and private partners across Georgia—including the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL), Georgia Family Connection Partnership, Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, Georgia Public Library Service, Georgia Public Broadcasting, and Governor’s Office of Student Achievement—have come together to create this online toolkit with resources for summer reading, learning, safety, and meals. opens in May to give every family in Georgia access.
See our School Readiness pages for