Critical Issues PDF Documents:
Critical Issues Requiring Employee Signatures
Employee Confidentiality Requirements
Fraud Waste and Abuse Procedures
GAM - Drug-Free Workplace Staff Rights and Responsibilities
GAMB - Possession and Use of Weapons
GAMC - Responsibility to Report Criminal Charges to Employer
Guidelines for Employee Conduct Regarding Elections and Work Attire
Guidelines for Overtime Pay, Compensatory Time, Record-Keeping Requirements, and Break Time
Guidelines for Professionalism in the Workplace and Prevention of Workplace Violence
Guidelines for Student Boundaries and Relationships
Guidelines for Use of District Technology Assets
Guidelines for Use of Social Media With Students
IFBG - Internet Acceptable Use
JGF(2) - Seclusion or Restraint of Students
Mandated Reporter Requirements
Safety Measures - Lockdown Procedures
Universal Precautions Procedures