Details regarding student attendance and absences can be reviewed in the Student Parent Handbook.
A student shall not be absent from school or from any class or during other required school hours except for illness or other providential cause, unless with written permission of the teacher, principal, or other duly authorized school official. No student shall encourage, urge or counsel other students to violate this policy.
Excused Absences
As permitted under state law and State Board of Education policies, students may be excused lawfully for the following reasons: personal illness, serious illness or death in the family, special and recognized religious holidays observed by one’s faith, absence as mandated by order of governmental agencies, conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to one’s health or safety, and registering to vote or voting, (for a period not to exceed one day).
Attendance Credits
Students shall be counted “present at school” when in attendance at school for at least one half of the instructional day, attending a school- or School District-sponsored field trip, or serving as pages of the Georgia General Assembly (at the high school level, attendance is assessed period-by-period, but students would still be credited with being present as it relates to field trips and service as pages).
Students with seven unexcused absences will be referred to the school social worker. Parents of students with excessive absences may be required by the school administrator to provide physician’s notes for absences to be considered excused. Any student 16, or older, who is absent unlawfully either 10 consecutive days or 40 total days may be dropped from the attendance records. The principal has the discretion of entering or reentering in the present grading period any student 16, or older, who has failed to attend for unlawful reasons.
Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law: OCGA 20-2-690.1
Georgia Department of Education Rule regarding student attendance: 160-5-1-10
CCSD School Board Policy regarding School Admission: JBC
CCSD School Board Policy regarding absences and excuses: JBD
The Teen and Adult Driving Responsibility Act (TAADRA)
TAADRA Law: OCGA 40-5-22
State Department of Education Implementation Guidelines:
Certificate of School Enrollment Form