Guidelines for Homeless Students
Section 103-(a) (1) (2) of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1994 defines a homeless child as one who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Homeless children shall not be denied enrollment in school and shall be provided services comparable to services offered to other students in the school. Schools must assist homeless children in meeting registration requirements.
Our goal is to be an exemplary school district in providing for the needs of homeless students.
When the screening assessment process identifies a student as homeless, the Administrators should:
- Remove barriers to enrollment as directed by the McKinney Act and State Department of Education guidelines. Barriers may include residency requirements, birth certificates, immunizations, or lack of records.
- Contact the office of Student Services for assistance in identifying homeless situations.
- Complete a residency exemption form for their file if residency is with other than parent or guardian.
- Train staff to treat homelessness with sensitivity and awareness and to adhere to confidentiality of information.
- Take leadership in providing available services (i.e., free lunch/breakfast, after school program, school supplies, SST referral, Title I, counseling, etc.)
- Place student on priority list for any educational or support services.
- Consider referral to school social worker for family service needs.
- Make referral to DFACS if situation indicates.