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Reporting Child Abuse

How to Report Child Abuse and Neglect

What is Child Abuse?

By Georgia Law, child abuse includes the following acts:

  • Physical injury or death inflicted upon a child by a parent or caretaker thereof, by other than accidental means; provided, however, physical forms of discipline may be used as long as there is not physical injury to the child.
  • Physical neglect or exploitation of a child by a parent or caretaker. This includes, but may not be limited to, the lack of proper amount of food, clothing, medical care, guidance, supervision, and other general care.
  • Sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child.
  • Emotional/verbal abuse of a child.
  • Report of a parent or caretaker who knows that their child is being “sexually harassed” and who refuses to take action to protect the child from further harassment.

If you suspect that a child you know is suffering from abuse or neglect, whether it’s a neighbor, relative or one of your child’s playmates or classmates:

  • Immediately contact your child’s counselor and/or principal.
  • Give an oral statement describing your full account of the act. Be prepared to share the following information:
  • Name, age and/or date of birth of child
  • Name of parents or caretakers
  • Address or current location of the child(ren)
  • Specifics of the maltreatment
  • Whether the suspected offender has access to the child

After Hours Reporting

Immediately call centralized Intake for the State of Georgia at 1-855-GA-Child (1-855-422-4453), including weekdays after 5:00 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The statewide contact taking this call will then contact the local agency’s on-call person for a call back to the school reporter.

Guidelines for Volunteers and Indicators of Possible Child Abuse