The Cherokee County School District has 400 school buses transporting more than 28,000 students daily. The greatest risk isn’t riding the bus, but approaching and exiting the school bus. It is essential that parents and students, kindergarten through 12th grade, know and follow bus safety rules.
Parents are responsible for a major part of training their children about bus safety. Conduct that affects their safety MUST receive careful attention. Parent training and discipline are ABSOLUTELY necessary for the safety of your children.
• Study the school bus regulations set up by your county.
• See that your child is on time at their bus stop.
• Accompany your child to the bus stop in the morning and meet them in the afternoon when possible.
• Have a plan of what your child should do in case no one is at home in the afternoon.
• Cooperate with the discipline actions set up by your county officials. Your direct line of communication is with your school principal.
Parents please teach your child to follow these bus safety rules:
• Get to bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
• Stand at least ten giants steps away from the street.
• Wait until the bus stops and the door opens to move toward the bus.
• If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, walk on the sidewalk or along side of the road to a point at least five giant steps (12 feet) ahead of the bus before you cross. Be sure the bus driver can see you, and you can see the bus driver, always look left, right and left again for traffic before you cross in front of the school bus.
• When entering or exiting bus always use the handrail to avoid falls.
• When exiting the bus, be careful that clothing with drawstrings, and book bags with straps do not get caught in the handrail or door.
• NEVER walk behind the bus.
• NEVER run after a moving bus.
• Stay out of the DANGER ZONE of a school bus, 12 feet on all sides of the bus.
• If you drop something near the bus, NEVER try to pick it up because the driver may not be able to see you.
• Always use quiet voices on school bus.
• Always observe ABSOLUTE silence at railroad crossing.