- Document Link: ED – Student Transportation Management
- Title: Student Transportation Management
- Section: E. Business Management
- Adoption Date: 07/18/2019
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 36-80-0020, O.C.G.A. 40-08-0112, O.C.G.A. 32-06-0200, O.C.G.A. 20-01-0010, O.C.G.A. 20-02-1071, O.C.G.A. 20-02-1090, O.C.G.A. 20-02-1091, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0188, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0504, O.C.G.A. 40-02-0037, O.C.G.A. 40-06-0160, O.C.G.A. 40-06-0161, O.C.G.A. 40-08-0110, Rule 160-5-3-.01, Rule 160-5-3-.02, Rule 160-5-3-.03, Rule 160-5-3-.04, Rule 160-5-3-.10, Rule 160-5-3-.14, Rule 160-5-3-.16
- Document Link: CCSD Guidelines
ED – Student Transportation Management
Descriptor Code: ED
Student Transportation Management
It is the policy of the Cherokee County Board of Education to provide transportation to eligible students who reside in the School District and elect to participate. The School District will acquire, maintain, and operate such vehicles as it deems necessary for the efficient operation of the schools. The School District will seek to assure the safety of all children who are provided district transportation and will comply with all Federal, State and local laws and regulations pertaining to student transportation. It is recognized that bus transportation is a privilege provided as a service of the School District and that this privilege can be withdrawn due to violations of the code of conduct. The primary use of school buses is to transport students to school and/or school related functions. However, under certain circumstances, organizations with permission or partnership agreements may be authorized to lease school buses. The Superintendent will establish administrative guidelines and rules necessary to provide for implementation of this policy.
ADOPTED: August 2, 2001 REVISED: July 18, 2019
CCSD Administrative Guidelines Regarding Student Transportation Management
Pursuant to the School Board’s Student Transportation Management Policy (ED), these administrative guidelines are to be utilized by CCSD staff in policy application:
School bus discipline and school bus safety is intertwined and inseparable. Students must properly ride the bus to ensure everyone’s safety including other students, motorists, and pedestrians. Conduct that is disruptive or distracting will not be tolerated. All bus safety rules apply to regular bus routes, bus stops, field trips, and athletic trips. Furthermore, school buses will not enter gated communities or drive on private roads.
• Georgia Code § 20-2-1181 states it is unlawful for a person to disrupt or interfere with the operation of a school bus or designated bus stop. Any person violating this Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of a “high and aggravated nature.”
• Georgia Codes § 16-5-20, §16-5-23 and § 16-5-23.1 further protect school employees on buses and/or at school bus stops against behavior legally defined as “simple assault” and “simple battery,” stating that people found guilty of violating these codes will be punished for misdemeanors of a “high and aggravated nature.”
• Take the shortest, safest route to the bus stop.
• Be at the bus stop five minutes before time for the bus to arrive.
• Walk on the left shoulder of the road facing traffic unless there are sidewalks.
• Wear light or brightly colored clothing.
• Wait a safe distance from the road but be prepared to quickly board the bus.
• Respect the property of other people.
• Refrain from pushing, fighting, or any other unsafe activity at the bus stop.
• Report disturbances immediately to school administration for resolution.
• Parents should establish an emergency plan with their child in case the parent or an appropriate-aged sibling is unable to be at the bus stop or at home when the child exits the bus. For example, in the event of an emergency, one option would be to coordinate a plan with a trusted neighbor, who is always home, for your child to walk to their home and then call you.
• Students in kindergarten through third grade will be transported back to school if there is not a guardian, parent or appropriate-aged sibling present to supervise the child upon departure from the school bus (note: DFCS guidelines stipulate that children 13 and older can safely supervise a younger child in most cases). Parents will be responsible for supervision fees assessed by the school in this regard.
• Students will be transported back to school if a potential safety issue is apparent or is brought to the bus driver’s or the school’s attention by the student and/or the parent or guardian. Parents will be responsible for supervision fees assessed by the school in this regard.
• Be sure all traffic has stopped both ways before crossing the road. (Stop, Look, Listen) Watch for driver signals.
• Walk 12 feet in front of the bus to stay in the driver’s view when crossing the road.
• Never cross the road behind a school bus.
• Stop at the centerline of the road and look both ways before crossing after exiting the bus.
• Do not linger in the “Danger Zone”. (The “Danger Zone” is a 12-foot parameter around the bus where most accidents happen.)
• Do not go back for items dropped in the “Danger Zone”. Leave the item. Get the driver’s attention before retrieving anything!
• No headphones or earbuds while entering or exiting a school bus.
• Never stop in the “Danger Zone” to get mail from the mailbox.
• Secure loose items such as toys, key chains, and drawstrings to avoid hanging them on the bus, especially the handrail.
• When exiting the bus, stop on the bottom step and look left and right before stepping off the bus.
• Observe the same conduct as in the classroom.
• Never throw objects in or out of the bus.
• Remain seated and keep head and hands inside the bus. Keep head, hands and legs out of the aisle.
• Be courteous and avoid the use of profane or abusive language.
• Show proper respect to the bus driver and follow all directions.
• Do not eat or drink on the bus.
• Never bring objectionable or dangerous objects such as weapons, glass, skateboards, or large projects on the bus.
• Cell phones and/or other electronic equipment that cause distractions are not allowed on the bus.
• Refrain from unnecessary noise.
• Remain quiet at railroad crossings.
• Do not tamper with safety equipment including crossing gate, emergency doors, windows or hatches.
• Be seated quickly and remain seated until arriving at destination.
Occasionally projects and/or items are transported to and from school. These items may include woodworking projects, Science/Social Studies projects and band instruments. The following guidelines must be followed to ensure the safety of students during a possible evacuation and the comfort and well-being of all students:
• Items, including large display boards, should not exceed 18”x24” and must not contain sharp edges, corners or sharp displayed objects.
• Glass, animals, chemicals, flammable materials or other hazardous items are prohibited and will not be transported.
• Band instruments small enough to hold in student’s lap, without interfering with the safety or comfort of others in the seat, may be transported.
• No item will be stored in the aisle, driver’s compartment or behind the driver’s seat.
• No items should be placed/stored in front of the emergency exits (especially ice coolers).
• Skateboards, scooters and other similar objects are prohibited on the bus.
• Permitted Instruments: Violin, Viola, Flute & Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Cymbals in pouches, Bells in a single case and Snare Drum in a single case.
• Non-Permitted Instruments: Cello, String Bass, Electric Bass, Percussion Combo Kit (Snare & Bells), Kettle Drum (Timpani), Tuba, Bass Drum, Baritone Saxophone, Sousaphone, Field Drum, Baritone/Euphonium, Contrabass/Contralto Clarinet, Guitar, Concert Xylophone.
• Other Items Not Permitted: Flag Poles, Golf Bags, Skateboards, ROTC Guns, Lacrosse Sticks, loose baseball bats and large projects that do not fit in the student’s lap.
• Parents are responsible for providing transportation for students suspended from riding the bus.
• Bus drivers are in complete charge at all times and are authorized to assignseats.
• Conversation with the bus driver or behavior distracting the bus driver by students during loading and unloading of buses should be avoided. During this critical time complete concentration by the bus driver isrequired.
• Parents with concerns or complaints that need to be addressed by the bus driver should schedule a conference with the bus driver through the school. Under no circumstances should parents distract the bus driver by boarding the bus or complaining at the bus stop. Student safety must be top priority during this time.
• Student conduct in school and on school buses may be videotaped with surveillance equipment. This equipment is installed for the purpose of promoting a safe environment for students, personnel, passengers and drivers.
• Any action or disturbance that endangers the well-being of any student will be handled in accordance with the CCSD Discipline Code.
• Parents are responsible for communicating to their child their expectation of a daily routine for the child to follow after he/she exits the bus to ensure that the child will arrive home safely.
• No bus transportation will be provided to any student who has been granted a reassignment.
• If a bus is at full capacity, no guest riders will be permitted.