- Document Link: EE – School Nutrition Program Management
- Title: EE – School Nutrition Management
- Section: E. Business Management
- Adoption Date: 07/20/2017
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 20-02-0187, 42 USC 1779, 42 USC 1751.204 Section 204, 42 USC 1758
EE – School Nutrition Management
Descriptor Code: EE
School Nutrition Management
I. Purpose of the School Nutrition Program
The purpose of the School Nutrition Program is to:
• Encourage the maintenance and improvement of the health and nutrition of children by supporting the implementation of nutritionally adequate, educationally sound, financially accountable, non-profit school food and nutrition programs.
• Work for the highest standards for school food and nutrition programs with an emphasis on nutritionally sound meals that are acceptable to students.
• Encourage and promote united efforts between school personnel and the general public to assure every child an opportunity to receive the benefits of school food and nutrition programs incorporating nutrition education.
• Encourage and develop the highest standards and provide appropriate educational programs for professional growth of the school food and nutrition personnel.
• Promote legislation and research designed to foster adequate school nutrition programs.
• Assist in making the school nutrition program a laboratory for nutrition education and other related educational activities.
II. Direction of Cafeterias
The cafeterias operate under the direction of the principals. Each principal recommends personnel, monitors the program on a daily basis, determines the most efficient schedules and procedures to accelerate the flow of the service lines, and is responsible for the supervision of the students. The School Nutrition Program Executive Director monitors the kitchen facilities, equipment, the safety and sanitation of food and compliance with federal and state guidelines.
III. Reimbursable Meals
Each school serves a healthy meal that meets federal and state meal pattern requirements. Every effort is made to provide reimbursable meals to every student and utilize USDA foods in meal planning.
ADOPTED: August 2, 2001 REVISED: July 20, 2017