- Document Link: GAAA – Equal Opportunity Employment
- Title: Equal Opportunity Employment
- Section: G. Personnel
- Adoption Date: 07/19/2018
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 34-06A-0002, 34-06A-0003, 34-06A-0004, 34-06A-0005, 34-06A-0006, 45-19-0029, 45-19-0031, 45-01-0004, 20-02-0211.1, 20-02-0211, 30-01-0001, O.C.G.A. 34-01-0002, O.C.G.A. 34-05-0001, 34 CFR 104.7, 34 CFR 100.7(c), 29 CFR 1691.5, 34 CFR 106.8 , 42 USC 2000d, 20 USC 1703, 29 USC 631, 29 USC 623, 42 USC 12101, 29 USC 705, 20 USC 1681
- Document Link: CCSD Guidelines
GAAA – Equal Opportunity Employment
Descriptor Code: GAAA
Equal Opportunity Employment
The Cherokee County Board of Education prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon “Constitutionally-Protected Differences” and other legally protected statuses (e.g., race, age, gender, gender identity, genetic status, past or present protected military service, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin or disability). As an equal opportunity employer, the School District will not consider any legally-protected status in its employment actions. The School District will not tolerate harassment, discrimination or retaliation against any applicant or employee based upon legally protected status. The School District is committed to hiring, promoting and retaining the best qualified persons for all positions; and will provide equal access, opportunity and respectful treatment in all aspects of the employment process. The Superintendent will establish employment procedures and designate individuals to coordinate compliance with this policy. Notice of this policy and procedures for redress with names, titles and contact information of District-level coordinators will be published and maintained on the School District website and at each work location.
ADOPTED: August 2, 2001 REVISED: July 19, 2018
CCSD Administrative Guidelines Regarding Equal Opportunity Employment Management
Pursuant to the School Board’s Equal Opportunity Employment Policy (GAAA), these administrative guidelines are to be utilized by CCSD staff in policy application:
The Cherokee County Board of Education prohibits discrimination and harassment based upon “Constitutionally-Protected Differences” and other legally protected statuses (e.g., race, age, gender, gender identity, genetic status, past or present protected military service, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin or disability). As an equal opportunity employer, the School District will not consider any legally-protected status in its employment actions. The School District will not tolerate harassment, discrimination or retaliation against any applicant or employee based upon legally protected status. The School District is committed to hiring, promoting and retaining the best qualified persons for all positions; and will provide equal access, opportunity and respectful treatment in all aspects of the employment process.
1. The School District is committed to equal employment opportunity in all personnel actions and seeks to provide a harmonious and respectful work environment for all employees.
2. It is the School District’s expectation that all personnel whose responsibilities include recruitment, hiring and selection, compensation, retention, promotion, training and development opportunities, work assignments, performance management, discipline, reduction in force, discharge, or nonrenewal will assure that equal employment opportunities are being afforded.
3. The School District will select employees according to the requirements of the job. Employment selection or rejection will be based on the ability of the individual to perform the essential functions of a job, consistent with valid safety requirements. Employment decisions will be free from consideration race, age, gender, gender identity, genetic status, past or present protected military service, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin or disability.
4. Requests for accommodation based on an individual’s religion or disability will be forwarded to the appropriate Office of Human Resources for consideration.
5. Employment advertisements and recruitment information will contain assurances of equal employment opportunity and will comply with federal and state laws regarding discrimination.
1. Consistent with the School District’s inclusive employment philosophy, all employees are expected to avoid engaging in conduct, including, but not limited to the following examples (contact the Employee Relations office if there are questions):
a. Teasing and unkind “jokes," insults, or degrading remarks in reference to, or based upon, an individual’s legally protected status; or,
b. Placement or display of offensive or derogatory visual items.
2. Unlawful retaliation, discrimination or harassment is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
3. Employees who feel they have been harassed, discriminated, or retaliated in violation of state or Federal law should promptly contact the Office of Human Resources to report their complaints.
a. If the alleged offending individual is the designated Human Resources representative, the complaint will be made to the Superintendent.
b. If the offending individual is the Superintendent, the complainant will be made to the School District’s General Counsel, who will make the School Board aware of the complaint and investigate the complaint.
4. Employees are required to cooperate in investigations of any complaint about discrimination, retaliation or harassment. To protect the integrity of the investigations, the presence of third parties during interviews is limited to attorneys and/or the District’s investigator.
5. It is a violation of law and School District Policy to retaliate against an employee who files a discrimination complaint, participates as a witness, or seeks ADA-based (Americans with Disabilities Act) reasonable accommodation.
6. When notified of a discrimination complaint, all individuals with pertinent records, regardless of the format (electronic or non-electronic), will take immediate steps to preserve the information.
7. Administrators and department heads are responsible for insuring that the federal equal employment opportunity postings are displayed on bulletin boards at every School District facility.
8. This Administrative Rule is not intended to be read as an expansion of any existing Federal or State law.
1. All applicants with an active, complete application will be given consideration for employment. Each application will be maintained on active file for one (1) year from the date of its receipt by the Office of Human Resources.
2. Applications on file for more than one (1) year will not be considered and such applicants will not be eligible for employment unless a new application is tendered.
3. No applicant may be considered for any position, including promotion, without a current and complete application in the active file, regardless of past employment status with the School District.
1. All applicants deemed equally qualified will receive equal treatment and consideration.
2. All employees involved in the hiring process will apply employment practices consistently and with uniformity, including practices relating to assessment of applications and interviewing.
3. All employees will be compensated equally on the basis of job classification, experience, training and ability. 4. Promotions of employees will be on the basis of qualifications and work record.