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IDB - Health Education

 Descriptor Code: IDB
Health Education 

The Cherokee County Board of Education recognizes health as a distinct discipline essential to the developmental needs of students at every educational level in their primary years through their secondary school experiences. Health education is an integral part of each student's total school experience and will be developed in compliance with state standards.

1. The School District will develop and implement an accurate, comprehensive health program that includes information and concepts in the following areas:
a. Alcohol, tobacco, vapes, vapor products and other drug use;
b. Disease prevention;
c. Nutrition;
d. Personal health;
e. Sex education/AIDS education;
f. Sexual assault and abuse awareness and prevention;
g. Human Trafficking Awareness
h. Safety;
i. Mental health; and,
j. Growth and development.
2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): In accordance with State Board of Education rule, instruction in CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) will be provided as a requirement in the health education program at each high school.

Sex education and AIDS education is required to be a part of a comprehensive health program. In order to make an informed decision, prior to the parent or legal guardian making a choice to allow his/her child to take these specified units of instruction, the parent or legal guardian will have the opportunity to review all instructional materials to be used, print and non-print. The Superintendent will establish administrative guidelines necessary to provide for implementation of this Policy.

ADOPTED: July 21, 2022

CCSD Administrative Guidelines Regarding Sex Education/AIDS Education Parent Permission
Pursuant to the School Board’s Health Education Policy (IDB), these administrative guidelines are to be utilized by CCSD staff in policy application:

 Sex education and AIDS education will be a part of a comprehensive health program. Prior to the parent or legal guardian making a choice to allow his/her child to take the specified unit of instruction, he/she will have the opportunity to review all instructional materials to be used, print and non-print.

a. Prior to the beginning of sex education instruction, the school will send parents/legal guardians written notice of the course of study;
b. The parent/legal guardian will be provided an opportunity to review the curriculum and instructional materials as provided above;
c. Parents/legal guardians who elect to allow their child to participate in the sex education course of study will return a signed permission form to the school; and,
d. Students who do not return a signed permission form will not participate in the course of study but will be provided other health related instruction.

CCSD will establish a committee appointed by the Superintendent to periodically review sex/AIDS education instructional materials and make recommendations concerning age/grade level use.

a. Appointed staff will include the Chief Academic Officer or designee, Health/PE Coordinator, school-site administrators and select Health and PE teachers;
b. Non-teaching parents/guardians who have students enrolled in the School District; and who represent the diversity of the student body;
c. Other community representatives such as educators and representatives from health professions; and,
d. An 11th or 12th grade male and female student currently enrolled in the School District.