- Document Link: IDDD – Gifted Student Programs
- Title: Gifted Student Programs
- Section: I. Instructional Program
- Adoption Date: 07/15/2021
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 20-02-2162, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0161, Rule 160-4-2-.09, Rule 160-4-2-.38
IDDD – Gifted Student Programs
Descriptor Code: IDDD
Gifted Student Programs
The Cherokee County Board of Education recognizes that gifted education programming is a coordinated and comprehensive structure of informal and formal services provided on a continuing basis intended to effectively nurture gifted learners. The State Board of Education defines a gifted learner as “a student who meets the eligibility criteria as identified by State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38.” Per state guidelines, this individual must demonstrate a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibit an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/ or excel academically.
Programs for gifted students assure that the educational environment provides students the opportunity to extend competencies in the areas of cognitive and academic skills. Services include but are not limited to resource, cluster grouping, and advanced content.
Automatic referrals are made based on available data. Additionally, a student may be referred for consideration for gifted education services by any individual with knowledge of the student’s abilities. Following a reported referral, a student will be screened using current data to determine the need for further assessment.
Students in the School District are determined to be eligible for gifted education program services based on the criteria provided in SBOE Rule 160-4-2-.38. The procedures for identification and the specific instruments used to determine eligibility are noted on the School District website and in the Advanced Academic Programs/ Gifted Education Administrative Manual.
A student who is identified as gifted will continue to receive gifted programming services, provided the student meets the following continuation criteria:
1. In grades K-5, the student must maintain quarterly and annual progress in the AIM classroom as determined by the Quarterly Feedback Report.
2. In grades 6-12, the student maintains satisfactory performance in the gifted education classrooms, indicated by a (non-weighted) grade of at least 70 [as defined in the Board-approved Pupil Progression Policy (IHE) and Local Administrative Procedures Manual]. Refer to Board Policy IHE on the CCSD website for more information.
In the event that the student does not meet the continuation criteria in the elementary gifted education resource classes, the following steps will be taken to review the student’s gifted services:
1. A student who fails to maintain satisfactory academic performance in gifted education classes will be referred to the Response To Intervention (RTI) Committee or Gifted Eligibility Team for appropriate interventions. Parents will be notified in writing by the principal or designee that the student will be given a probationary period of one semester. A student who is on probation will be provided with an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP), which will be monitored by the gifted education teacher who serves the student.
2. The student will continue to receive gifted education services during probation, while receiving the services of the RTI Committee or Gifted Eligibility Team and attempting to achieve satisfactory performance status.
3. The individuals involved with the RTI Committee or Gifted Eligibility Team will review the student’s progress at the end of the probationary period and determine the student’s further academic needs. The student’s demonstrated academic strengths will direct the recommended course of study.
4. A student who fails to demonstrate satisfactory performances based upon the continuation criteria in gifted education classes during the probationary period and for whom gifted services are no longer appropriate will have a final review. The student, parent, and gifted program teacher involved will be invited to attend the review before services are withdrawn.
5. A student can be reinstated as eligible for gifted services when evidence of satisfactory academic performance in gifted education classes as defined by the Pupil Progression Policy and Local Administrative Procedures Manual over at least one semester is submitted to the school’s Eligibility Team for consideration.
In the event that the student does not meet the continuation criteria in advanced content or cluster grouped classes, the following steps will be taken to review the student’s gifted services:
A student who fails to maintain satisfactory academic performance in gifted education advanced content or cluster grouped classes qualifies for placement in a different course at the end of the grading period or removal from classroom groupings designed to provide advanced differentiation.
Parents will be notified in writing by the Principal or designee that the student will be placed in a different course for the next academic semester.
REVISED: July 15, 2021