- Document Link: IFAA – Textbook Selection and Adoption
- Title: Textbook Selection and Adoption
- Section: I. Instructional Program
- Adoption Date: 07/19/2018
- Ref Code: O.C.G.A. 20-02-1010, O.C.G.A. 20-02-0168, Rule 160-4-4-.10, Rule 160-4-4-.20
IFAA – Textbook Selection and Adoption
Descriptor Code: IFAA
Instructional Resources Selection and Adoption
Instructional Resources (textbooks, software, open educational resources, supplemental materials), as defined by the State Board of Education, will be selected by a committee appointed by the Superintendent. The committee will consist of School District staff, school administrators, teachers, instructional support personnel and/or parent/community representatives.
The primary goal of the committee will be to assure that all instructional resources are thoroughly evaluated for the highest degree of accuracy, quality, and alignment the Georgia Standards of Excellence as approved by the State Board of Education prior to submission to the Superintendent for recommendation to the School Board for adoption.
A process for review of the proposed instructional materials will be made available by the School District upon stakeholders’ requests. Instructional resource adoptions will be considered based upon School District instructional resource needs and funding availability.
ADOPTED: August 2, 2001 REVISED: July 19, 2018