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IHB – Homework

  • Document Link: IHB – Homework
  • Title: Homework
  • Section: I. Instructional Program
  • Adoption Date: 07/19/2018
  • Ref Code: N/A

 Descriptor Code: IHB

The School Board recognizes that homework may be used for preparation, practice and extension of classroom time/concepts and should reflect efforts designed to achieve mastery of the Georgia Standards of Excellence as approved by the State Board of Education. Homework should always relate directly to the curriculum content for the appropriate grade level and to the individual needs of students. The completion of homework enables students to study and organize their time. As students advance through school, it is reasonable to expect that the amount of homework assigned will increase. If the homework assigned to students becomes unreasonable/excessive/not meaningful, parents/students should discuss concerns with the teacher. If concerns continue, it is the Principal’s responsibility to address accordingly.


A. To prepare the student for class.

B. To formatively assess students.

C. To provide meaningful and applicable practice of standards.

D. To promote the use of time management, organizational and study skills.


A. Check homework for understanding.

B. Design assignments for quality and purpose rather than quantity.

C. Assign homework that is meaningful and directly relates to mastery of Georgia Standards of Excellence.

D. Assign homework that can be completed independently by students.

E. Provide students with opportunity to ask questions to clarify homework assignments.

F. Avoid assigning daily/routine homework over designated school holidays and breaks.

G. Create an effective system for communicating homework guidelines for parents in accordance with standards and procedures established by School District and school personnel.

H. Assess and provide timely and appropriate feedback.

I. Coordinate homework so that all students have access to the materials and resources needed to complete the assignment.

J. Assign homework that is academically challenging and appropriate to the student’s level of competence and which promotes the student’s intellectual growth.

K. Be mindful of the amount of time necessary to complete each homework assignment by providing students with a reasonable estimate of the amount of time necessary to complete each homework assignment.

L. Be sensitive to cultural and societal differences and expectations (e.g., impact of religious holidays, field trips, family emergencies, State and Local Testing Dates).

M. Follow School District guidelines for grading and/or weights.


A. Ensure that homework assignments are understood before leaving class.

B. Complete and submit homework in a timely manner in accordance with the teacher’s direction.

C. Understand that homework is sometimes needed to be prepared for future class work or for the teacher to assess previously taught standards.

D. Seek assistance when difficulties arise with assignments.

E. Make-up homework assignments following absence(s) from school.


A. Support teaching and learning by providing time and a conducive environment for completing homework.

B. Remind students that homework is the students’ responsibility.

C. Guide students when unusual difficulties arise, but never complete the homework for the student.

D. Communicate with the teacher(s) regarding homework expectations and assignments as needed.

ADOPTED: August 2, 2001        REVISED: July 19, 2018