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JGC – Student Health Services

Descriptor Code: JGC
Student Health Services

Under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, administrative guidelines which provide operational protocols and procedures associated with the School District’s provisions for student health services are maintained by the Office of School Operations. These protocols and procedures will provide appropriate administrative parameters for the student health program and maintain compliance with all mandated Federal Laws/regulations, statutory requirements and Federal/State/local agency-driven regulations that address the services provided within this program.

PROPOSED: July 28, 2011       REVISED: July 16, 2020 

CCSD Administrative Guidelines Regarding Student Health Clinics

Pursuant to the School Board’s Student Health Services Policy (JGC), these administrative guidelines are to be utilized by CCSD staff in policy application:



1.       In the absence of a school nurse, only designated staff members will work in the clinic.  The Principal of the school will designate staff members to attend a clinic in-service that will inform the School District employee about the procedures for first aid and medication administration.  The Office of School Nursing will provide a list of the School District employees who have attended the in-service to the school nurse and administration.  An in-service will be provided on a yearly basis to accommodate a change in personnel.  Volunteers or substitute teachers will not administer medication in the clinic or on a field trip.

2.       All schools will use the approved standardized forms and action plans for clinics.  These forms will not be altered.

3.       Clinic activity information such as Medication Administration Records, and records of clinic visits must be retained for three years at the school.

4.   When a student becomes ill, the Principal may determine that he or she should be sent home.



1.    Refer to Guidelines:  Transitioning Medically Fragile Students, for students that appear to have unique health requirements beyond those that are routine.

2.   The school will not furnish medical equipment.  Parents must furnish medical equipment needed for their child during the school day.



1.        In the case of an emergency, if a parent or legal guardian cannot be contacted; attempts will be made to reach an emergency contact.

2.        A school administrator will be notified of any serious emergency and before calling for 911 services.

3.   In crisis situations, refer to the Reunification/Crisis Plan, for situations when students are evacuated off the school campus.

4.   Infectious/communicable diseases and crisis events require notification of the Principal and Lead Nurse I.  Refer to the Procedure for Reporting Communicable Diseases.



1.       Clinic visits will be documented in Synergy Health tab.  Substitute Nurses will utilize a Clinic Referral Form to document clinic visits.  The form is available to schools from the CCSD printshop.

2.       There will be no stock medications for student use in the school clinics. Any medication – topical, oral, or other will be sent from home by the parent of the student for use in the clinic.  A Medication Authorization Form will be completed for each medication.  Refer to Medication Guidelines.

3.       Parents will be contacted as soon as possible for an injury (other than minor abrasions or bruises) received at school, on the bus, or on a field trip.

4.       Head Injuries:  A Head Injury Form, and a Student Incident/Injury Form, will be completed for a reported head injury.  The parent/guardian will be notified by phone if possible.  The nurse and the administrator will make a decision about the student’s mode of transportation home from school.

5.       Loose teeth will be removed only if the possibility of aspiration or swallowing exists.

6.       A student should not remain at school with a temperature of 100.3 degrees or greater.

7.       The Beginning-Of-Year Checklist and End-Of-Year Checklist will be completed and submitted to the Office of School Nursing.

8.       Universal Precautions will be practiced at all times.

9.       Hearing and Vision Screening is offered districtwide for 1st, 3rd, and 6th grades.  Coordination of this service is done through the Office of School Nursing.

10.   Scoliosis Screening, is offered districtwide to 7th and 8th grades.  This service is coordinated with the Cherokee County Health Department through the Office of School Nursing.

11.   A student’s fingernails, toenails or cuticles around the fingernails or toenails will not be trimmed by school personnel unless there is an order from a physician or the child’s health care provider.



                          Cherokee County School District abides by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) for student medical records.

·         Student medical records that originate and/or maintained in the elementary and middle school health clinics will not be communicated by facsimile or e-mail transmission to interoffice staff or to external persons or facilities.

·         Student medical records that originate and/or are maintained in the high school by the employee(s) designated by the Principal to administer medication will not be communicated by facsimile or e-mail transmission to interoffice staff or to external persons or facilities.

·         Student medical records may be mailed through School District interoffice mail or through the postal service in a sealed envelope to the requesting facility.

·         Schools may receive student medical records by facsimile or email transmission from external persons or facilities.

·         In accordance with FERPA and HIPPA, educational records such as Birth Certificates, Eye, Ear and Dental Form, and Immunization Form are maintained by the school office and may be communicated by the office by facsimile or email transmission.

·         Any and all disclosures of student medical records will be in accordance with FERPA and HIPPA.