This agreement entered into on this 19th day of October, 2023 by and between the Cherokee County Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as the “School Board” and The Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “Girl Scouts”.
WHEREAS, the School Board’s mission is to educate the emerging generation through learning environments designed to increase the performance of all students; and,
WHEREAS, one of the School District’s Priority Areas is Family, Partner and Community Engagement; and,
WHEREAS, the School Board’s mission is to enable all students to become contributing citizens who can communicate effectively, gather and use information, make responsible decisions and adapt to the challenges of the future; and,
WHEREAS, one of the School Board’s Major System Priorities is to increase parental and community involvement through engagement policies and practices that treat parents, businesses, community-based organizations and agencies, local institutions of higher learning and other public entities as true partners in the educational process; and,
WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts’ mission is to develop girls into strong, self-assured women through a dynamic program which emphasizes character, community service, leadership and respect for others; and,
WHEREAS, through its programs for Cherokee County students the Girl Scouts help its members in achieving their full potential; and,
WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts are committed to expanding its program to include an increasing number of youth.
Now therefore in consideration of the covenants and conditions set forth herein the parties agree as follows:
The parties agree that the following recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference:
The School Board will:
1. Provide the use of the school system facilities for Girl Scout functions and programs, including meetings held to recruit girls during the school year and adult training events, as space is available. Girl Scout leaders will have the option of selecting evenings that are separate from Boy Scout recruitment meetings, as the school schedule allows.
2. Provide opportunities for recruitment, including displays at the elementary and middle schools, Girl Scout information in newsletters, and through other existing communication channels.
3. Assist in access to classrooms by volunteers to let students know about planned recruitment meetings.
4. Provide a School System liaison to work with the Girl Scouts in organizing events.
The Girl Scouts will:
1. Abide by the rules and regulations contained in the facility use contract at each facility and those contained in the Community Use of System Facilities Policy (KG), including custodial and supervisory fees when applicable.
2. Conduct an interview with the principal (or principal’s designee) of each facility prior to and after the use of the facility.
3. Recognize Girl Scout Week by setting up displays, making announcements to the student body or using other activities approved by each school’s administration.
4. Plan for and form Girl Scout troops that will meet as a part of the after school program in select schools. Recruiting leadership for these troops will be the responsibility of the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta.
5. Not discriminate against any partnership participant because of race, national origin, age or disability.
6. Accept all children/interested participants for participation within its programs without regard to their gender, race, political affiliation, age, national origin or handicapping condition or any other discrimination recognized and prohibited by State or Federal Law. Children/participants with handicaps must be provided all necessary levels of supervision and must be included within the activities of the partnering organization. As a result of this partnership agreement, the Girl Scouts must adhere to all local, State or Federal laws regarding education.
Facility use/rental fees will be waived in all the aforementioned requests for facility use, except for applicable supervisory, utility and custodial fees.
The term of this contract is October 19, 2023 through October 19, 2024. This contract shall automatically renew for additional terms not to exceed five years unless either party notifies the other at least 60 days prior to renewal date.
This contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party with or without cause. All notice of this contract shall be given to the Superintendent of Cherokee County Schools at PO Box 769, Canton, Georgia 30114, and to Ellen Newton, Chief Financial Officer, Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, 5601 North Allen Road, Mableton, GA 30126.