This agreement entered into on this 16th day of November, 2017 by and between The Cherokee County Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as the “School Board” and the Cherokee County Board of Elections and Registration, hereinafter referred to as “Board of Elections.”
WHEREAS, the School Board’s mission is to educate the emerging generation through learning environments designed to increase the performance of all students; and,
WHEREAS, one of the School Board’s Major System Priorities is to increase parental and community involvement through public engagement policies and practices that treat parents, businesses, community-based organizations and agencies, local institutions of higher learning and other public entities as true partners in the educational process, and
WHEREAS, Georgia Official Code 21-2-215; Section (g) states, “(g) Each principal or assistant principal of every public or private high school, the president of every public or private college or university, the president of each state supported technical institute in this state, and the designee of such principal, assistant principal, college or university president, or state supported technical institute president shall be a deputy registrar of the county in which the school, college, university, or institute is located for the purpose of receiving voter registration applications from those qualified applicants who are enrolled students within the principal’s school or the president’s college, university, or institute or who are employed by the private high school, the school system, the college or university, or the state supported technical institute notwithstanding the fact that such students or employees are not residents of the county in which the school, college, university, or institute is located. Such principals, assistant principals, presidents, and their designees shall inform their students and employees of the availability of such voter registration and shall provide reasonable and convenient procedures to enable such persons who are qualified applicants to register. The principal of each public or private high school, the president of each public or private college or university, and the president of each state supported technical institute are authorized to invite other deputy registrars to the school, college, university, or institute for the purpose of conducting voter registration.
Now therefore in consideration of the covenants and conditions set forth herein the parties agree as follows:
The parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference:
The School Board:
- Pursuant to Georgia Official Code 20-2-310, Section (b), the school administration of each of the high schools in the County shall arrange an opportunity during the month of April each year for each eligible student to register to vote at his or her school.
- In conjunction with the Character Education Program, will disseminate field trip opportunities relative to civics and the electoral process.
- Office of School Operations will continue to facilitate use of school sites as polling sites on election days (15 sites are being utilized 2020-21 School Year).
- Promote Board of Election programs/announcements through existing communication channels.
Board of Elections will:
- Communicate with Executive Director for Administrative Leadership (Elementary Schools) for the Office of School Operations in regard to any use of school sites on election days.
- Provide the School Board with voter registration materials upon request.
- Assist with educational programs relative to the School Board’s Character Education Program, such as mock elections.
- Provide guest speaker appearances upon request where no conflict exists with prior committed dates.
- Abide by the rules and regulations contained in O.C.G.A. Title 21, Chapters 1 and 2 generally, and Sections 266 and 268 specifically, and the facility use contract at each facility and those contained in the Community Use of Systems Facilities Policy (KG), including custodial and supervisory fees when applicable and where no conflict exists with the Georgia Election Code or the rules of the State Election Board.
- Accept all children/interested participants for participation within its programs without regard to their gender, race, political affiliation, age, national origin or handicapping condition or any other discrimination recognized and prohibited by State or Federal Law. Children/participants with handicaps must be provided all necessary levels of supervision and must be included within the activities of the partnering organization. As a result of this partnership agreement, the Board of Elections must adhere to all local, State or Federal laws regarding education.
The term of this contract is November 16, 2017 through November 16, 2018. This contract shall automatically renew for additional terms not to exceed five years unless either party notifies the other at least 60 days prior to renewal date.
This contract may be terminated by either party upon one hundred twenty (120) days written notice to the other party with or without cause. All notice of this contract shall be given to the Superintendent of Cherokee County Schools at PO Box 769, Canton, Georgia 30114, and to the Supervisor, Board of Elections and Registration, 400 East Main Street, Canton, Georgia 30114.