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Service League of Cherokee County


This agreement entered into on this 12th day of September, 2024 by and between the Cherokee County Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as the “School Board” and The Service League of Cherokee County hereinafter referred to as “Service League.”
WHEREAS, the School Board’s mission is to educate the emerging generation through learning environments designed to increase the performance of all students; and,
WHEREAS, the Service League’s objective is to encourage interest in the needs of the community and to train its members for efficient service in any charitable work that may be undertaken by the governing board. Its purpose will be two-fold: THE GIVING OF PERSONAL SERVICE AND THE EARNING OF MONEY FOR CHARITY; and, 
WHEREAS, charitable work undertaken by the Service League is to provide clothing, school supplies, medical and dental help, food, utilities and shelter for the children of Cherokee County.
Now therefore in consideration of the covenants and conditions set forth herein the parties agree as follows:

The parties agree that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference:

The School Board:
1.    Will provide the use of furniture and equipment for the annual Riverfest Arts and Crafts Festival.  Principals will be contacted by the Service League’s Riverfest Chair or designee.
2.    Will provide the use of and access to print and copy services as available. 
3. Provide the use of school system facilities for Service League functions/meetings/activities as available, waiving the rental fee as per the Community Use of System Facilities Policy (KG).
4.    Will promote Service League programs through existing communication channels. 
5.    Assist in providing qualified candidates from CCSD’s graduating class each spring to be considered by the Service League’s scholarship committee.
6.    Will pursue joint grant opportunities in both parties’ best interests.

Service League will:
1.    Provide monthly casework (includes eye exams and glasses, dental work, medical visits, school supplies, clothes, special needs requests, etc.) for students.  Letters to school principals and counselors will be sent in August, informing the schools of the League’s function and contact information.  Over $69,000 in services was received by Cherokee County students and parents in 2023-24.
2.    Abide by the rules and regulations contained in the facility use contract at each facility and those contained in the Community Use of System Facilities Policy (KG), including custodial and supervisory fees when applicable.
3.    Provide funds as available for special projects.  Each spring, letters are sent to local agencies and to each school informing them of the process to apply for funds from the League.  These funds cover requests for specific ideas and projects that will make a positive impact on children aligned with the Service League’s mission of assisting children and families with children in need in Cherokee County.  In 2024, the Service League awarded $50,000 for special projects. 
4.    Provide Christmas assistance to identified families in need.  Each November, school counselors are given information regarding the Service League’s Christmas Children program.  In 2023, the League assisted over 150 children in Cherokee County with Christmas totaling more than $38,000. 

5.    Provide scholarships to high school students.  Each spring, the counselors at each of the School District’s high schools are given information regarding the Service League scholarship(s).  In 2023, the League presented $25,000 in scholarships to deserving seniors.  Scholarships are awarded based on applications received and League funds available each year.
6.    Accept all children/interested participants for participation within its programs without regard to their gender, race, political affiliation, age, national origin or handicapping condition or any other discrimination recognized and prohibited by State or Federal Law. Children/participants with handicaps must be provided all necessary levels of supervision and must be included within the activities of the partnering organization. As a result of this partnership agreement, the Service League must adhere to all local, State or Federal laws regarding education.
7.    Pursue joint grant opportunities in both parties’ best interests.

The term of this contract is September 12, 2024 through September 12, 2025. This contract shall automatically renew for additional terms not to exceed five years unless either party notifies the other at least 60 days prior to renewal date.

This contract may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party with or without cause. All notice of this contract shall be given to the Superintendent of Cherokee County Schools at PO Box 769, Canton, Georgia 30169, and to the Service League of Cherokee County, P.O. Box 1132, Canton, Georgia 30169.