CCSD Graduation Rate Rises, Tops State
The Cherokee County School District’s graduation rate for the Class of 2024 rose to 93.5%, a new high that also continues to top the state average.
The CCSD four-year graduation rate increased from the Class of 2023’s 92.2% average, according to a new report from the Georgia Department of Education released today. The school district again exceeded the state average of 85.4%, which climbed by 1 point from the previous year. CCSD’s rate is the third highest among metro Atlanta county school systems. Georgia, along with the rest of the U.S., calculates graduation rates based upon a 4-year cohort methodology.
“Congratulations to our graduates for achieving this record-high success and thank you to our teachers and support staff for your dedication to ensuring our students graduate future ready,” Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis said. “Our ultimate goal is for our students to graduate prepared to succeed in life, beginning with their next chapter, whether that’s college, career, military service or more than one of these options. I’m so proud of our entire community’s investment in elevating the excellence for our students!”
Creekview HS reported CCSD’s top Class of 2024 graduation rate of 97.2%. All CCSD high schools individually exceeded the state average, with Cherokee HS at 87.7%, Etowah HS at 92%, i-Grad Virtual Academy online high school at 94.6%, River Ridge HS at 95.3%, Sequoyah HS at 95.3% and Woodstock HS at 96.3%