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CCSD Teacher Named Georgia Art Educator of the Year

CCSD Teacher Named Georgia Art Educator of the Year

A Cherokee County School District teacher has been named the 2023 Georgia Elementary School Art Educator of the Year! 

Hasty Elementary School Fine Arts Academy teacher Dr. Lisa Spence has won the statewide title in recognition of her efforts at the school, community and state level.

The statewide association presents the overall award to one Georgia teacher a year in each division: elementary, middle and high schools.  Dr. Spence will be recognized at the association’s fall conference in Columbus next month.

“Your steadfast commitment to arts advocacy has distinguished you as a leader in arts education and we value your dedication,” state award chair Noelle Petersen said.  “We are so honored to have you among our art education stars.  Thanks for all you do!” 

Dr. Spence, who joined CCSD in 2019, last year earned the Crayola Creativity Ambassador international art education honor presented by the National Art Education Association and Crayola Education.  Only 75 teachers worldwide were selected for the recognition.

Last week, Dr. Spence and her colleagues at Hasty ES Fine Arts Academy were formally recognized by the Georgia Department of Education for earning its Creative School Arts Integration School of Excellence Award.  The award recognizes outstanding integrated use of the arts to teach across all subjects, and Dr. Spence’s work was integral to earning this honor.  Beyond her outstanding lessons in the classroom, Dr. Spence also organizes numerous special schoolwide arts events at the school and in the community for students and their families.

“Congratulations to Dr. Spence on earning this well-deserved honor for her dedication to arts education,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Brian V. Hightower said.  “Our students truly have benefitted from her excellent instructional skills, inspiring creativity and enthusiasm for the positive impact the arts can have on all learning and on our lives as a whole.  Thank you to Dr. Spence for your outstanding teaching and great care for our students and their success!”

A member of the state and National Art Education Association, Dr. Spence most recently presented at the national association’s annual conference this spring in April in Texas.  She has earned numerous grants, including recent awards from Amicalola EMC Bright Ideas, Cherokee County Educational Foundation’s Impact Grants and The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi’s Love of Learning Awards, to enhance Hasty’s art program. 

Dr. Spence previously taught art in the Bibb County School District.  She earned her journalism degree from the University of Georgia, secondary art education degree from Georgia College & State University, education specialist degree in curriculum and instruction from Piedmont University and doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Liberty University.

She will be recognized by the Cherokee County School Board and Dr. Hightower at the October School Board Meeting.