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Creekview HS Career Education Program Earns National Award

Creekview HS Career Education Program Earns National Award

A Cherokee County School District career education program has received national recognition for excellence!

The Creekview High School chapter of the FFA agricultural education program has been named a 2024 3 Star Chapter by the National FFA Organization.

The National Chapter Award Program recognizes outstanding FFA chapters nationwide, and 3 Star is the highest star rating awarded. Honored chapters demonstrate success in providing educational experiences for all members, growing student leaders, participating in community service, and raising awareness about the importance of agriculture. The FFA program at Creekview HS is led by teachers Chloe Lynch and Wyatt Wilkie. The Creekview HS chapter will be recognized at the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in October.

“Our officers spent countless hours working on the application and activities to submit to the national level, and we’re proud to say that 3 stars is the highest ranking we could achieve,” Ms. Lynch said. “During the application process students create goals, plans, and track the progress of 15 different events that we host throughout the year. Out of the 15, our three highest scoring events were: hosting an FFA Fall Festival and tractor show with over 60 vendors, donating over 600 pounds of produce from our gardens and over 500 pounds of nonperishable items to local food banks, and hosting a school wide FFA Animal Awareness Day. We’re incredibly proud of our members and all we’ve accomplished together!”

Last school year’s officers involved in the award-winning work include: President Jamie West, Vice President Kallie Reynolds, Treasurer MollyClaire Barber, Reporter Kristen Lively, Sentinel Sarah Hill, Historian Will Childers, Student Advisor Ryan Bearden and Parliamentarian Charles Young.

This school year’s officer team is made up of: President Kallie Reynolds, Vice President Charles Young, Secretary Sarah Hill, Treasurer MollyClaire Barber and Reporter Nolan Hendrix.

The school’s Career Pathways program in agriculture began with a focus on horticulture, but since has grown to include equine science, veterinary science, agriculture electrification and agricultural mechanics, as well as a second teacher and an agriculture science building, constructed using Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (Ed SPLOST) revenue and a state grant.

The program is aligned with both state standards and National FFA expectations for agriculture programs. The FFA chapter is a co-curricular program with additional learning opportunities for students after school and on weekends, including leadership and competition experiences.

The Cherokee County School Board and Superintendent of Schools Mary Elizabeth Davis will recognize the student officers and teacher sponsors at the School Board’s September meeting.
