Meet the CCSD Teacher: Jenna Ferretiz of Boston ES!
Our amazing teachers are Elevating The Excellence in our schools … and every week, you’ll get to know one of them better through a Q&A posted here. #CCSDElevateTheExcellence
Jenna Ferretiz
Boston Elementary School
Second-grade teacher
What’s the most innovative idea that you’ve tried in your classroom?
One of the most innovative ideas that I’ve tried in the classroom was a blended learning lesson where students were digitally transported back in time to learn about a historical figure. To move forward in time, they had to uncover a password by learning more about the historical figure. Students were engaged and having animated conversations about the historical figure.
Who is the best teacher you ever had and what made him or her special?
I had several amazing teachers who fostered my love of learning. Mrs. Piggot was my third-grade teacher. Her classroom was so welcoming, and she created an environment where learning was fun and safe. I was happy to be in her class every day. Additionally, Mrs. Preston was my reading teacher in middle school. She helped encourage my love for reading.
What can parents do to prepare their children for learning?
One of the most effective ways to boost their education is by reading together every night. This not only improves their literacy skills but also fosters a love for books and learning. Remember, your encouragement and involvement make a significant difference in their academic success!
What are the obstacles to getting all kids to achieve?
One obstacle I have seen is that some students lack confidence. They are afraid to make mistakes or get the “wrong” answer. I try to boost their confidence by making sure our classroom feels like a safe place to make mistakes and try different ideas.